You need some help. And our Wilmington Physical Therapists at Conquer Movement can help.
October: The Ideal Time to Start Physical Therapy Training
If you've been keeping up with all of our Physical Therapy content here at Conquer Movement, you'll know how extensively we talk about using fresh starts to get you in for Physical Therapy, and back into a health and wellness routine. Normally, the big fresh start times come with New Years Eve and after the summer.
Why should you start a Physical Therapy program in October!?
If you didn't take advantage of the fresh starts, I think the next best option to start a new Physical Therapy or wellness routine is October.
Our Physical Therapy Clinic is packed in October.
Think about it -- you've got about 3 weeks until Thanksgiving. These next three weeks are going to be the calmest you'll have until the new year. The only time you won't have multiple holiday parties on week days, things going on every weekend, and trying to finish strong at work with all the year end nonsense. You know how fast December rolls by and, with the holidays, all of a sudden it's the New Year.
Time FLIES this time of year.
So, if you didn't take advantage of the Labor Day fresh start, and you don't get into a routine now to make sure you don't falter during the holidays all of a sudden you've gone from May -> January without having a concrete wellness plan.
And guess what happens during those 7ish months? Your injuries don't go away, they get worse. Building running milage back up takes a lot longer, and your shin splints are worse. Getting back into the gym takes a lot more effort, commitment, and being meticulous with exactly what your training looks like.
Injuries don't just magically go away. Strength training doesn't get any easier the longer you put it off. And life is always busy. Get in now because once Thanksgiving rolls around, it's over 🚨
Most people don't realize that Physical Therapy is your best bet for getting back into a routine.
A Physical Therapist can do lot's of things to help you get back to working out -- but the most important things are;
- Determine the root cause of where your injury is coming from, and fix it
- Give you a joint evaluation to ensure there is no exercise that will cause injury
- Create a workout program for you around your current injuries/niggles
- Give you a plan that can help optimize your sport -- crossfit, Jiu-jitsu, Golf, running, anything!
So, what are you waiting for? The holidays are right around the corner and there's not much time left.
Come into our Wilmington Physical Therapy Clinic for an initial evaluation to fix your current injuries, receive an exercise plan based on YOU, and optimize what you loving doing.
Don't wait! Book a FREE 15-minute phone consultation today!